Package com.jcabi.log

Class VerboseProcess

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public final class VerboseProcess
    extends Object
    implements Closeable
    Utility class for getting stdout from a running process and logging it through SLF4J.

    For example:

     String name = new VerboseProcess(
       new ProcessBuilder("who", "am", "i")

    The class throws an exception if the process returns a non-zero exit code.

    The class is thread-safe.

    • Constructor Detail

      • VerboseProcess

        public VerboseProcess​(Process prc)
        Public ctor.
        prc - The process to work with
      • VerboseProcess

        public VerboseProcess​(ProcessBuilder builder)
        Public ctor (builder will be configured to redirect error input to the stdout and will receive an empty stdin).
        builder - Process builder to work with
      • VerboseProcess

        public VerboseProcess​(Process prc,
                              Level stdout,
                              Level stderr)
        Public ctor, with a given process and logging levels for stdout and stderr. Neither stdout nor stderr cannot be set to Level.ALL because it is intended to be used only for internal configuration.
        prc - Process to execute and monitor
        stdout - Log level for stdout
        stderr - Log level for stderr
      • VerboseProcess

        public VerboseProcess​(ProcessBuilder bdr,
                              Level stdout,
                              Level stderr)
        Public ctor, with a given process and logging levels for stdout and stderr.
        bdr - Process builder to execute and monitor
        stdout - Log level for stdout
        stderr - Log level for stderr
    • Method Detail

      • stdout

        public String stdout()
        Get stdout from the process, after its finish (the method will wait for the process and log its output).

        The method will check process exit code, and if it won't be equal to zero a runtime exception will be thrown. A non-zero exit code usually is an indicator of problem. If you want to ignore this code, use stdoutQuietly() instead.

        Full stdout of the process
      • stdoutQuietly

        public String stdoutQuietly()
        Get stdout from the process, after its finish (the method will wait for the process and log its output).

        This method ignores exit code of the process. Even if it is not equal to zero (which usually is an indicator of an error), the method will quietly return its output. The method is useful when you're running a background process. You will kill it with Process.destroy(), which usually will lead to a non-zero exit code, which you want to ignore.

        Full stdout of the process